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Production Management System (MES)

SkyMES is a professional production management solution for factories, developed by SkyERP.

SkyMES is a solution that combines MES and ERP, allowing businesses to synchronize 100% of their operations on a single software platform.

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What is MES?

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is software that manages production processes, controlling and monitoring production activities in real-time.

MES acts as a bridge between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and control and monitoring systems within the factory. MES helps optimize production processes, improve product quality, and enhance the efficiency of factory operations.

What is SkyMES?

An integrated production operating system with Odoo ERP. The original Odoo software (up to version 17.0) does not include MES functionality, stopping at the level of Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP), which focuses on material planning. The MRP function in Odoo allows for material deduction, inventory management, and effective automation of supply chain planning. However, Odoo MRP does not meet the requirements for planning and real-time monitoring of production activities.

With extensive experience in deploying customized MES solutions for various factories across different industries, we have standardized and developed a powerful and flexible MES solution that addresses the complex and diverse needs of various factory types. MES functionality can be used alongside MRP functionality in Odoo without any conflict; however, once MES is implemented, MRP is not necessary because MES is the next step in MRP development and includes MRP functionalities in more detailed and specific ways.

Enhance production efficiency with the MES Production Management System

Integration and Automation

SkyMES tightly integrates enterprise resource management and production execution management, automating production processes from start to finish, thereby increasing operational efficiency.

Automatically optimize the machinery and equipment resources of the factory, calculate and allocate work orders to each machine.

Real-time Management

Provides real-time information about the production process, giving managers and employees a comprehensive and constantly updated view of the production situation, enabling quick and accurate decision-making.

Manage inventory at every stage of production, manage defective goods, and track each stage of the production process.

Optimize Production Operations

SkyMES helps detect and minimize production issues, optimize the use of materials and labor, improve product quality, and reduce machine downtime.

Meet the requirements for complex and simple production process planning and material standards.

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Provides powerful analysis tools, enabling businesses to monitor performance, assess progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of each process, making timely adjustments to improve production efficiency.

Dynamic real-time statistical reports enable multi-dimensional analysis.

Key Benefits of Using SkyMES MES System

The SkyMES Production Management System brings several practical benefits, such as:

Risk Control

Proactively and flexibly plan production based on available resources. Create detailed machine-specific plans and estimated production schedules, calculating completion times right from the planning stage.

Optimize Production Capacity

ERP production management software helps increase factory operational efficiency by easily identifying and optimizing bottlenecks in the production process.

Real-Time Visual Reports

Update production data and view real-time production reports and analyses as each step is accompanied by execution instructions and real-time production data updates.

Theoretical Production Cost

Immediately upon creating a Bill of Materials (BOM) and production process, the system can calculate the theoretical production cost, allowing comparison with the actual production cost after executing the production order.

Reduce Defective Goods

Allows for detailed classification of defects, detailed statistics for each type of defect, each stage, each machine, each operator, over time, corresponding to each machine operation parameter. This enables operators to identify the causes, propose preventive measures, and track improvement results over time.

Inventory Management at Every Stage

Manage raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished products at every stage, manage material flow between stages, and manage defective goods at each stage.

Optimize the Supply Chain

Automatically suggest material procurement based on current inventory and future production/sales plans.

Actual Production Cost

Track the runtime of each machine in real-time, monitor material consumption and actual material costs, and calculate piece-rate wages per output, accurately tracking the actual production cost.

Main Features of SkyERP MES

Main Features of SkyERP MES Production Management Software

The solution combines the MES operating system integrated into the Odoo ERP system. Therefore, MES is operated synchronously with other Odoo modules such as Purchasing, Logistics, Inventory, Financial Accounting, Sales, Human Resources, and Equipment Maintenance in a unified system.

MES Dashboard

(MES dashboard)

Customizable dashboard can be configured according to the user, allowing powerful access control

Overall Production Planning

(Overall Production Planning)

(Automatically calculate and forecast future inventory quantities based on current inventory, purchase orders, sales orders, and existing production orders)

Automatically suggest procurement (purchase, production, warehouse transfer) when material shortages occur based on replenishment rules or minimum inventory levels.

Automatically generate production orders or Purchase Orders (PO) based on supply rules.

Automatic Material Supply Proposal

(Above: Automatic material supply recommendation system)

(The system automatically calculates future inventory based on current inventory and procurement, production, and sales forecasts)

Based on the supply rules set for each product, the system can automatically create production orders, purchase requisitions, or purchase orders to ensure the desired inventory level.

Settings are flexibly configured for each product.

Overall Work Orders for Each Stage

(Image above: Detailed assignment of specific work orders to each stage)

Manage production visually and in detail at each stage in real-time.
The production planner can simultaneously optimize multiple production plans based on priority or adjust them using intuitive drag-and-drop operations.

Automatic Production Resource Calculation and Forecasting

(Automatically calculate production resources)

Based on the production capacity of each machine, each stage for each product, and existing work orders, the MES software automatically calculates and optimizes the work order for each machine.

Receive delays warnings during planning before production begins.

SkyERP MES has three optimization mechanisms:

  • Equal distribution of quantity
  • Optimize finish time
  • Optimize the number of running machines

Work Schedule for Each Machine


(The work order is automatically calculated for each machine, accurate to the minute, including rest times)

The production management software’s machine management feature allows the automatic creation of work schedules for each machine and synchronizes them with the schedules of other machines.

Machine managers can see work orders assigned to their machine organized by status in an intuitive manner.

Operation Instructions for Each Stage

(Operation instructions at each stage)

The OneMRP production management system supports the use of display screens for monitoring at each stage. Users can:

  • View operation instructions for the stage
  • Record activities such as receiving materials, recording production progress, updating machine parameters, and transferring materials to the next stage
  • View all information related to the work order

Production Progress Updates

(The system automatically updates production progress)

The MES production operating system (SkyMES) allows direct production progress updates at each machine through touch screens:

  • Update the quantity produced
  • Update the number of defective goods by defect type
  • Update semi-finished goods and finished goods transferred to the next stage
  • Update material consumption
  • Update machine parameters

Production Reporting

(Easily generate various production reports)

The MES production operating system offers diverse reports that allow analysis from multiple perspectives:

  • Inventory reports at each stage by production order
  • Dynamic defect (NG) reports for multi-dimensional analysis
  • Detailed traceability reports
  • Detailed production reports for a single production order
  • Detailed production reports for the entire factory
  • Production cost reports

Inventory Management at Each Stage

(The system manages detailed inventory at each stage)

The MES production operating system allows for detailed inventory management at each stage:

  • Manage inventory of raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished products before and after each stage
  • Manage the transfer of materials, semi-finished goods, and finished products from one stage to the next
  • Manage defective goods


(The system helps track the origin of materials and goods)

The MES production operating system allows tracking of all warehouse changes from purchasing to box entry to sales orders and material movement within each production order. 

 Track serial numbers or batch numbers from anywhere in your supply chain.

Defective Goods (NG) Management

(The system allows managing defective goods in each production stage)  

The ERP production management software (OneMRP) allows easy management of defective goods in each production stage. 

 Defect statistics reports by stage, time, machine, defect type, and cause.

 Preventive actions to reduce NG. 

 Track and analyze NG over time.

Consumable Materials Management

(The system helps manage consumable materials)

Consumable materials are materials used in the production stage that are consumed but not part of the raw materials. Examples include molds during casting, cutting blades during cutting, etc.  

Consumable materials can be tracked in detail by serial number; for example, each casting mold can be tracked for the number of cycles used, remaining lifespan, number of maintenance operations performed, and predict the next maintenance time. 

 Track the number of cycles that consumable materials have been used. 

 Automatically schedule and plan consumable material maintenance, with maintenance warnings when due. 

 Automatically schedule consumable material replacement when its lifespan ends, and provide replacement warnings when the replacement time arrives.

Production Cost Calculation

The MES production operating system allows precise calculation of production costs, including direct costs and monthly allocated overhead costs, and automatic calculation of average cost of goods sold, including complex allocations.

Accurately estimate direct production costs, including material, machine, and labor costs immediately after setting up the BOM and production process.

Precisely track actual production costs for each production order based on actual material consumption, real-time material usage, and actual NG

More about Manufacturing Execution system  (SkyMES)

ERP + MES developed by SkyERP loved by  50k happy users

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SkyERP Deployment Methodology

Start with a Complete System

Starting with a comprehensive and optimized solution helps save development time from the basic Odoo version.

Fastest Handover

With the initial version already meeting almost 80-90% of the features, customization is kept to a minimum to optimize the handover process.

Keep Costs Manageable

SkyERP is responsible for implementing and deciding the product design to optimize time and maximize customer benefits.

Digital Transformation with SkyERP

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