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Building a Customized On-Premise Odoo ERP System for Your Business

SkyERP specializes in designing and customizing ERP systems tailored to the specific needs of each enterprise. 

Leveraging the flexible Odoo platform, we develop bespoke modules and functionalities to meet your unique management requirements

Consultation and Needs Analysis

At SkyERP, we offer consultation services to design and customize ERP systems based on the specific needs of each enterprise. Utilizing the flexible Odoo platform, we create unique modules and features tailored to your management needs.

Implementation and Training

Our implementation process is meticulously planned and executed to ensure a smooth installation and operation of your new ERP system. We also provide comprehensive training programs to help your staff quickly adapt to and efficiently use the new system.

Support and Maintenance

Post-implementation, SkyERP continues to support you with comprehensive support and maintenance services. Our technical team is always ready to resolve any technical issues and provide regular updates to ensure your ERP system operates stably and securely.

Upgrades and Expansion

We continually research and develop new solutions to upgrade and expand your ERP system. SkyERP helps your business quickly adapt to market and technological changes, ensuring that your ERP system remains a powerful tool for your business growth.

SkyERP’s ERP Implementation Methodology

Starting with a Robust and Feature-Rich Foundation

SkyERP has developed a library of powerful and fully integrated features covering financial accounting, human resources, manufacturing, and project management. These pre-developed features ensure that the system can immediately meet 80-90% of your business needs.

Our solution typically reduces the implementation time by 50% and lowers costs by 30%.

Phased Implementation and Rapid Go-Live

We divide the project into multiple phases, ensuring data inheritance levels or prioritizing business operations according to the company’s needs.

Usually, upon completing phase 1, businesses can start operating some core processes and begin reaping the benefits of the system.

During this process, we continue to implement the subsequent phases while monitoring and supporting the go-live, as well as making the necessary adjustments for phase 1.

Comprehensive Documentation, Training, and Continuous Support

A successful ERP project ensures that the customer can use the system effectively. Therefore, we prioritize providing thorough documentation and continuous support.

We create detailed and easy-to-understand user guides tailored to each project’s specific business characteristics, and we continuously update these guides as the project develops.

We also dedicate ample time to training and operational support, ensuring uninterrupted operation and that every employee receives the necessary support.

man standing in front of group of men

ERP Systems Developed by SkyERP are Trusted by Over 50,000 Satisfied Users

SkyERP Deployment Methodology

Start with a Complete System

Starting with a comprehensive and optimized solution helps save development time from the basic Odoo version.

Fastest Handover

With the initial version already meeting almost 80-90% of the features, customization is kept to a minimum to optimize the handover process.

Keep Costs Manageable

SkyERP is responsible for implementing and deciding the product design to optimize time and maximize customer benefits.

Digital Transformation with SkyERP

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